Information technologies and the evolution of the digital divide in Mexico: a public policy approach


  • Humberto Merritt Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Palabras clave:

Mexico, information technologies, Internet, digital divide, public policy


The rapid diffusion of Information Technologies ITS) has noticeably influenced the ability of societies to stimulate economic growth and development. Among these technologies, the Internet stands out due to its contribution to the advancement of education, learning and knowledge. Hence, the commitment of some developing nations like Mexico to the diffusion of the Internet has become a top issue in their policy agendas. However, the country’s promotion of this technology has undergone a number of setbacks, mainly due to a misinterpretation of the factors causing the so-called ‘digital divide’. Hence, the purpose of this
paper is to analyze the rationale for governmental intervention regarding the diffusion of the Internet in Mexico.

JEL Classification: D12, L52, L86, L96, L98



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Biografía del autor/a

Humberto Merritt, Instituto Politécnico Nacional





Cómo citar

Merritt, H. (2018). Information technologies and the evolution of the digital divide in Mexico: a public policy approach. Análisis Económico, 26(62), 119–137. Recuperado a partir de

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