Economic Integration, Regional Convergence and Growth in North America


  • Alejandro Díaz-Bautista University of California

Palabras clave:

Economic Convergence, North America, Regional Economic Growth, Economic Integration


The study looks at regional convergence and economic integration in the North American region from a theoretical as well as an empirical perspective. The study provides the empirical evidence of North American regional growth and economic convergence. The existence of a catching-up convergence and economic integration process is observed, with differentiated behaviors for quite a number of regions, that suggest the possibility of different equilibrium tendencies in the long-run for the Mexican States versus the regions of Canada and the United States.


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Cómo citar

Díaz-Bautista, A. (2024). Economic Integration, Regional Convergence and Growth in North America. Análisis Económico, 23(54), 31–51. Recuperado a partir de

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