Financial Structure, Financial Development and Banking Fragility: International Evidence


  • Antonio Ruiz-Porras Universidad de Guadalajara

Palabras clave:

banks, fragility, financial structure, financial development


In this work the effects of financial structure and financial development on banking fragility are examined. The study is developed using fixed-effects panel-data regressions and by controlling the effects of certain banking indicators. We use individual and principalcomponents indicators of the activity, size and efficiency of intermediaries and markets are also used. The indicators include data for 211 countries between 1990 and 2003. The main results suggest that banking stability is enhanced in market-based financial systems, whilst financial development reduces it. However, this fragility-enhancing effect can be discovered only when the financial structure is taken into account. Therfore, financial structure and development jointly matter to assess banking fragility.


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Biografía del autor/a

Antonio Ruiz-Porras, Universidad de Guadalajara

Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos. Universidad de Guadalajara, CUCEA. I am grateful to Ayşe Evrensel, Nancy García-Vázquez, Andrés Zamudio-Carrillo and two referees of Análisis Económico for valuable comments and suggestions. I am also grateful to Junior Alfredo Martínez-Hernández and Demián Vergara-Salgado for research assistance. However, the usual disclaimer applies.


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Cómo citar

Ruiz-Porras, A. (2024). Financial Structure, Financial Development and Banking Fragility: International Evidence. Análisis Económico, 24(56), 147–173. Recuperado a partir de




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